Alec Baldwin – Actor & Comedian
This is a Lyme Aid event, emceed by Alec Baldwin. Chad and Alec had fun bantering on stage, and Alec even helped in bid-spotting, with his celebrity encouragement and quick eye!
This is a Lyme Aid event, emceed by Alec Baldwin. Chad and Alec had fun bantering on stage, and Alec even helped in bid-spotting, with his celebrity encouragement and quick eye!
This is a “Find Your Light” event, which is Josh Groban’s non-profit that supports art programs for students. Chad and Josh had fun bantering on stage, and 2020 will be their third gala together.
This is a Hotbed event, supporting “10,000 Degrees” scholarships. Sometimes Chad works with spicy and unpredictable celebrities, and Kathy Griffin most certainly fit that definition! Celebrity galas really require a high level of experience from an auctioneer, to be able to work smoothly and take make best use of their star power.
This is another Hotbed event, raising funds for “10,000 Degrees” scholarships. Alan Cumming and Chad had fun playing on Chad’s “school principal” background, as Alan told about being sent to the principal’s office!
Chad has worked with Jonny at a few different galas. Jonny is a GREAT MC, and crowds love his huge personality and energy. When Chad and Jonny get going…watch out!! It is great to have a celebrity who is skilled at bantering, without distracting from the cause!
Chad has worked with Willie Brown on a few different events. Some celebrities like to play a more peripheral role at the gala, while some—like Willie—like to be right in the thick of things!
This is a “Support for Families of Children with Disabilities” event, emceed by Bob Sarlatte. Chad and Bob had fun bantering on stage, which is a rare skill that Bob has, due to his years as a sports announcer.
This is a San Francisco 49ers event. Sometimes celebrities will agree to some pre-arranged skits or fun interactions that take a bit of planning and preparation. Chad Lowe was not only a good actor, but a great sport for having some fun!
At Josh Groban’s 2019 “Find Your Light” event, Tony Bennett sang a bit of “I left my heart in San Francisco”, and brought down the house! Talk about a class act!!
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